200 Years vs. 10 Years
jue, 30 sept
We Welcome Hijos del Sol ; Maya Culture Prophecy End of Time in 2012, making a stop in our walk, we reconsidered that was 2021, numbers misunderstood by Human-being, therefore Hijos del sol vs. 200 Years Independence consumption vs. 10 Years, creation: A Retrospective of Historical Events.

Horario y ubicación
30 sept 2021, 19:00 CEST – 30 dic 2021, 23:00 CET
2, Pol. Ind. Nueva Campana, 29660 2, Málaga, Spain
Acerca del evento
We Welcome Hijos del Sol, with next27 Th. September Two Hundred Anniversary of the consumption of the Mexican War of Independence which was an armed conflict and political process resulting in Mexico's independence from Spain. For that reason Museo Fred Friedrich open their doors to d´oeuvres Hijos del Sol.
Also we celebrated the 10 Th. Anniversary of this Collection, is to say Creation, Exhibition, and returning to its Origins in 2012 here at Marbella.
Maya Culture Prophecy End of Time in 2012, making a stop in our walk, we reconsidered that was 2021, probably the numbers we misunderstood by Human-being, therefore Hijos del sol vs. 200 Years vs. 10 Years, make a retrospective view of Historical Events in Museo Fred Friedrich.
Artist Fred Friedrich was overwhelmed by the Faith and devotion of this culture given to Universe, Earth and Nature.
D´oeuvres topic is the essential translation of this into paintings, sculptures and thoughts about mexican culture and floklore